Sunday, August 29, 2010

Well, hi!

Welcome to my blog. This is my first attempt at a "recipe" blog, so you'll have to forgive me if I'm a little slow. I've been doing a lot of cooking & baking (see: experimenting) lately and have been told several times that I should post my recipes.

A little about me, while we are getting to know each other?

I am a single mom. I have a little girl named Daphne. We are both happy little vegan women. Before Daphne, my vegan diet consisted of a LOT of burritos (delicious, I might add...), nuts, raw veggies and more burritos. I've become a little bit more creative since then, but don't worry, I find it hard to go a week without a burrito and am always trying new and delicious things with them. There will always be burritos to be had. Maybe I should have named this blog something about burritos. And maybe I should shut up about burritos...

My ambition in life is to save the world. Really. I am getting my nursing degree currently, but will continue my education to get a PhD in psychology, but whether or not I use that to help people living with developmental disabilities or to help people recover from addiction, I am not sure. However, my side-line passion is... CUPCAKES. I love cupcakes. I'm pretty indifferent when it comes to cake itself, but I sure love cupcakes. They are just tiny little cakes and for some reason, that makes them infinitely more epic.

My house is a mess. Always. Even when it is clean before I go to bed, by the time my daughter takes her first nap, it is a disaster. I have one incredibly large cat named Casanova. He is a Maine Coon and a total butthead. He likes to snuggle and bite you at the same time. And he loves Daphne. I have another cat named Harlequin, but he is a big baby and is afraid to leave my mom's house, so we go visit him often. And then two old ladies named Roseanne and Groucho. They are 17 years old and are just the sweetest, gabbiest little old ladies. Oh. And we have a fish. His name is Ishmael. He's kinda lazy. I hope to get a much larger fish tank one day. And eventually, I want the tank from Finding Nemo.

Finding Nemo, by the way, is the favorite movie in this house. Daphne will pick it up and bring it to me 1-2 times a day and say "ISH!" She loves "ish". So, if for any reason, I ever randomly quote Finding Nemo... you can just assume we are watching it for the 80,000,000,000th time!

Likes: Hiking, camping, bonfires, meditation, reading, journaling, eating, complaining, contemplating, baking, listening to music, playing with Daphne, nit-picking, driving, sleeping, terrorizing my cat, burning candles, environmentally-friendly incense burning, andawholebunchofotherthings.

Dislikes: Lists that get too long!

I hope you enjoy my recipes... you know... when I get around to posting them.

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